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Upgrading Olallie

0.0.7 -> 0.0.8

  • createStore

    • createStore is now a default export
    // 0.0.7 OLD
    import createStore from 'olallie';
    // 0.0.8 NEW
    import createStore from 'olallie';
  • Listeners

    // 0.0.7 OLD
    store.listen('key', (newValue, oldValue) => {});
    // 0.0.8 NEW
    store.listen('key', ({ detail: { value, oldValue } }) => {}, AddEventListenerOptions | boolean);

0.0.6 -> 0.0.7

  • State

    • Defined with an object, rather than an arrow function.
    // 0.0.6 OLD
    const store = createStore({
      state: () => ({
    // 0.0.7 NEW
    const store = createStore({
      state: { ... },

0.0.4 -> 0.0.5

  • Actions

    • No longer require state to be passed as first parameter. Instead they can now access store instance through this with type defintions.
    // 0.0.4 OLD
    actions: {
      add(state, value: number) {
        state.count += value;
        return state.count;
    // 0.0.5 NEW
    actions: {
      add(value: number) {
        // Actions have access to
        // state, getters, and other actions
        this.count += value;
        return this.count;